Common Wallpaper Myths
Wallpaper is one of the ways to add a pop of color to greyish walls, yet some people remain hesitant to use it for various reasons. While a few concerns are valid, others are simply misconceptions. Let's debunk some of the most common wallpaper myths and shed light on why they are merely myths, not truths.
1. Applying and Removing Wallpaper Is a Major Hassle
Working with wallpaper is not lightning-fast, but it's also much more manageable than you might think. Wallpaper has evolved since its inception, and today it comes in two main forms: traditional and self-adhesive. Self-adhesive, or Peel & Stick, wallpaper requires no additional glue; it adheres to the wall on its own. It sticks securely but is easily removable, leaving no damage behind. This means you can experiment with your home's appearance more frequently.
2. Wallpapers Are Dull and Reside Solely in Grandma's Homes
In the past, wallpapers may have been monotonous, leading to such associations. Olively Home offers a diverse range of wallpaper categories for various preferences, from charming children's designs to minimalist geometric patterns and intricate, almost art-like images. What's more, you can even customize your wallpaper with personal designs, like your child's drawings, your own photos, or unique creations, giving your room a distinctive touch.
3. Wallpapers Are Only for Walls
While the term "wallpaper" may suggest otherwise, this statement isn't entirely accurate. When you order wallpaper, you receive a versatile material that can be used in various creative ways. It's popular to apply wallpaper to gifts, revamp old but functional furniture, enhance staircases, and even decorate ceilings. Countless inspirational examples showcase the versatile uses of wallpaper. You can check this post to check on creative ways to use wallpaper.
4. Wallpapers Degrade Quickly and Are Hard to Maintain
Most wallpaper sellers offer warranties lasting for years (when not exposed to direct sunlight). Olively Home wallpaper, for instance, can maintain its print quality and color saturation for years, thanks to over seven years of experience in printing materials and extensive testing. Many wallpapers are washable and can even be used in bathrooms. These wallpapers are no longer paper-coated, ensuring their longevity.
Have your worries eased a bit? It's certainly worth giving wallpapers a chance, as modern quality is sure to impress!